Tuesday 12 July 2011

Living in Golden Bay ... We're going on a Field Trip

One of the nice things about living rural and especially living next to a farm is that you have things such as extensive views, no direct (suburban) neighbours and lots of animals to interact with and to look at. For instance the five sheep on the field adjacent to ours... I always thought sheep are quite boring (I know ... Babe-lovers believe sheep are quite intelligent, but I have never had that experience personally) until I noticed something odd the other day. The sheep were actually playing a game together. They were running and chasing each other and every time they changed roles. I just had to watch, smiled from ear to ear and once again enjoyed the fact that I made the decision to move to the other side of the world and settle here in Golden Bay.

I actually do that quite a lot; smile about what I see around me and enjoy the fact that I moved to Golden Bay. Almost every day I go through a moment that I  realise that I just love living here, whether it is because of something I see, someone I come across or something that happens to me...  I know this place is quite far from what could be called civilisation, but it has so many things I really love. Beautiful beaches, National Parks , waterfalls, a great Movie Theatre , all sorts of sports classes,  The Mussel Inn, amazing (inspiring) people ... not much else I could want at this stage of my life.

And -which is also very important- ... I love the Golden Bay dress code! The Mussel Inn website says "No need to get dressed up - in fact there is no dress code - although it would generally be more appropriate if some clothes were worn - the atmosphere is laid-back and  family friendly", and in a way I think that goes for the whole of Golden Bay. Laid back is the key and no judgement is made and all is possible and will be done!

So whatever you choose:  dress up or not; only dress up for Friday Get-Together; have a wild-at-heart bohemian style; only do vintage and retro; go for full-on city style or wear your farmer gear day in day out... It's all good! And because of that, it's almost as living in a big city where you come across everything possible and very many beautiful outfits and people. I think it's great that people in a small place still understand that  Fashion and Beauty is not about the latest trends, it's about personal style and feeling good!

But... we all need inspiration sometimes, so just to inspire those who want to go on a field trip... have a look at the following outfits!

 Brown Cord Blazer
 Orange Plaid Skirt
Green Vintage Winter Dress
Skylark Dress

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